[sdbadmin@sdb01 ~]$ sdb_mysql_ctl -v
SequoiaSQL-MySQL version: 5.0.1
Git version: 79dae22ccfbe361edb9954e9a275614f91fb62c4
SDB driver: 5.0.1(49d120b9724b64c8420df002093c6c8414402449)
[sdbadmin@sdb01 ~]$ sdb_mysql_ctl -h
sdb_mysql_ctl is a utility to initialize, start, stop, or control a SequoiaSQL-MySQL server.
sdb_mysql_ctl listinst
sdb_mysql_ctl addinst <INSTNAME> <-D DATADIR> [-l LOGFILE] [--print] [-p PORT] [-f PIDFILE] [-s SOCKETFILE] [-w PASSWORD]
sdb_mysql_ctl delinst <INSTNAME> [--baklog]
sdb_mysql_ctl start <INSTNAME> [--print]
sdb_mysql_ctl startall [--print]
sdb_mysql_ctl stop <INSTNAME> [--print]
sdb_mysql_ctl stopall [--print]
sdb_mysql_ctl restart <INSTNAME> [--print]
sdb_mysql_ctl status [INSTNAME]
sdb_mysql_ctl chconf <INSTNAME> [-p PORT] [-e LEVEL] [-a MAX-CON] [--sdb-conn-addr=ADDR] [--sdb-user=USER] [--sdb-passwd=PASSWD] [--sdb-auto-partition=BOOL] [--sdb-use-bulk-insert=BOOL] [--sdb-bulk-insert-size=SIZE]
[--sdb-use-autocommit=BOOL] [--sdb-debug-log=BOOL] [--sdb-token=TOKEN] [--sdb-cipherfile=PATH] [--sdb-error-level=ENUM] [--sdb-replica-size=SIZE] [--sdb-use-transaction=BOOL] [--sdb-optimizer-options=SET]
[--sdb-rollback-on-timeout=BOOL] [--sdb-execute-only-in-mysql=BOOL] [--sdb-selector-pushdown-threshold=THRESHOLD] [--sdb-alter-table-overhead-threshold=THRESHOLD]
-D DATADIR location of the database storage area
-l LOGFILE write server log to LOGFILE,default in the installation path
-p PORT port number to listen on
-f PIDFILE location of the pid file
-s SOCKETFILE socket file between client and server
-w PASSWORD a password for root@localhost,default: empty password
-a MAX-CON the number of simultaneous clients allowed,default:151
-e LEVEL log-error-verbosity,how detailed the error log should be,default:3
--print default: not print screen
--baklog default: don't backup LOGFILE
--sdb-conn-addr=ADDR SequoiaDB addresses,default:'localhost:11810'
--sdb-user=USER SequoiaDB authentication user,default:''
--sdb-passwd=PASSWD SequoiaDB authentication password,default:''
--sdb-auto-partition=BOOL enable auto partition,default:on
--sdb-use-bulk-insert=BOOL enable bulk insert to sequoiadb,default:on
--sdb-bulk-insert-size=SIZE bulk insert size,default:100
--sdb-use-autocommit=BOOL enable autocommit of sequoiadb storage engine,default:on
--sdb-debug-log=BOOL turn on debug log of sequoiadb storage engine,default:on
--sdb-token=TOKEN SequoiaDB authentication password token
--sdb-cipherfile=PATH SequoiaDB authentication cipherfile
--sdb-error-level=ENUM Sequoiadb error level for updating sharding key error
--sdb-replica-size=SIZE Replica size of write operations
--sdb-use-transaction=BOOL Enable transaction of SequoiaDB
--sdb-optimizer-options=SET Optimizer_options[=option[,option...]], where option can be 'direct_count', 'direct_delete', 'direct_update'
--sdb-rollback-on-timeout=BOOL Roll back the complete transaction on lock wait timeout
--sdb-execute-only-in-mysql=BOOL Commands execute only in mysql
--sdb-selector-pushdown-threshold=THRESHOLD The threshold of selector push down to SequoiaDB
--sdb-alter-table-overhead-threshold=THRESHOLD Overhead threshold of table alteration. When count of records exceeds it, the alteration that needs to update the full table will be prohibited
-v, --version output version information, then exit
[sdbadmin@sdb01 ~]$